At the moment I’m having my own creative issues so I think it’s a perfect time to tackle them using a blog post. I’m still trying to get started on the second of our character design project set for this term, which is to be based on mechanical things, when we should have a final design for it by tomorrow. I don’t know why it’s been so tough to get started but I always have trouble with it so I’m going to be looking at the creative process this time around.
I’ve got a very annoying habit concerning my creative process and it involves me being way too considerate of the work I produce. I’m terrified of making mistakes or showing work that I’m not happy with and I’m often intimidated by a vast, new and unspoiled page. It’s frustrating because I want to get my ideas out of my head but instead of seeing a new page as potential for developing new ideas, I see it as potential for making some new mistakes. I think this thinking stems from an academic thought process I’ve picked up over the years of being force-fed science and maths: There are right and wrong answers. I wish I could stop thinking in this way because in the world of creativity it’s a very restrictive and punishing way of working and I experience this first hand every time I start a project.
I think to get this project started I’m going to totally rethink my views on creative processes and just be more instinctive about it. After flipping through the sketchbooks of friends I’m noticing that they have far more prolific and inventive content than my own and that’s something I’d really like to achieve this time around so I can really get my ideas flowing. Society’s general focus on academic subjects has really dealt a blow on how I create work over the years since ventures such as art always seem to take a back seat to the “proper” and “academic” stuff. It’s stifled my brain! It’s like mental conditioning designed to create logical algebra zombies. There’s a character design I could use. Anyway, I think that people could discover the creative processes that work for them if the general consensus wasn’t a focus on the academic.
So, for this art project I’m gonna break free of my logical thinking and just try to be inventive. Maybe it’ll help and I’ll be able to push the boundries of creativity, more likely it won’t and I’ll DIE HORRIBLY in the process. Either way, the way I work has really got me thinking about creativity and the role it plays in society so I’m feeling a little more optimistic about blogging about it more since this blog post has got a lot off my chest. If you’ve read it, sorry about it being so emo, I’ve been pretty whiny over the past few days. It ends now! Happy
happy, joy joy.