Friday, January 23, 2009

Project Work: Environment

I chose the Scrap Yard brief for my environment project which resulted in a reference visit to a scrap yard in Coventry which contained so many interesting things to take pictures of that I was overwhelmed with what to model. I decided on the anti-freeze corner which contained several huge tubs of waste anti-freeze and fuel along with several other interesting assets to make.

Below are a few renders of the completed environment which came to about 10,000 triangles

Project Work: Character

I chose to do the World War 1 character project, transforming my grandad from elderly relative into a WW1 Field Marshall which was a lot of fun to do. Textures are a mixture of hand painted and sourced photographs from the army surplus store. These all show the middle LoD which came to just over 4000 triangles

Project Work: Van

Just thought I should post up some of my finished work for the projects so far, these are a few renders and screengrabs of the H-Van and the H-Van in its damage state