Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gyaaah! It Begins!

Hi and welcome to my blog, I'm gonna try and keep it nice and updated and eventually fill with stuff to make an interesting read. I've had a fantastic time so far since I've started the course and I'm looking forward to making a majestic and epic wheelie bin; I think it's time for a wonderfully random short video about garbage to celebrate!

GARBAGE DAY! ...Ahem. I really can't wait to get into the course, I think it's going to be a challenging, unique and enjoyable experience that I'm definitely going to remember. I've recently being "researching" various games such as Beyond Good & Evil which I had been trying to pick up since forever (finally found it for £6 at CEX! Victory!), Shadow of the Colossus, which I'm replaying for the third time or something, and Project Zero 3 because I can't get enough of creepy Japanese mansions. Oo, and Guitar Hero! Lots of fun, I've yet to accidentally swing the guitar peripheral into an onlooker's face in the heat of a solo (can't say the same for a friend of mine) so all's well.

My taste in games encompasses pretty much anything, though I'm not so keen on football/football management type games... I'll write a more in-depth section on my favourite all time games so I guess this concludes my first post in my blog, hope it wasn't too boring!


  • Shadow of the Colossus! I love it; it's pure art.

    By Blogger Kitto, at 4:08 AM  

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