Project Work: Environment

I’ve found this term’s 3D work very challenging but I’ve learnt a lot and I think the team project has been a good motivation to get work done for the sake of your team as well as yourself. I think everyone has had to overcome a variety of different problems and it’s pushed everybody’s teamwork skills as well as modelling, texturing and working in an engine.
We don't have to turn out a masterpiece everyday. To paint is the thing, not to make masterpieces. -Henry Miller
Roger Ebert
Good and bad and decisions are a popular subject in all art forms though very few pieces of work portray it well. Games are not an exception to this. I’ve played countless games in which the decision of becoming either good or evil is a selling point printed on the back of the box in bold letters, but it’s something that never contributes to my purchase because I know it’s not going to be done in a very effective or meaningful way.
es. Even though it was reduced to just pressing X, I still couldn’t kill the little sisters. How about you guys, we got any heartless lil’ sis killers here or did you all do the right thing and rescue?
I think in this society it’s quite common for people to gain artistic recognition without the need of as much technical mastery of media or a true visual understanding of the world around us. I know that’s a harsh thing to say in a way, but people's opinions are so broad and varied that many pieces of art that I wouldn’t consider appealing are very successful. This brings me back to our group discussion on the subject and how Da Vinci and other artists of the period took painstaking efforts in representing the human form accurately due to strong religious beliefs of man being made in the image of god, thus making it blasphemous to misrepresent people. I'll always find this dedication and art of that variety more impressive than most pieces of modern art I think.
Which one is more appealing to you? The first is a more accurate representation of the scene but could be seen as boring and lifeless to some people in comparison to the lively and whimsical picture below. I prefer the first because I find painting things accurately such a challenge and I respect the ability of the artist, but I like the second because one of the clouds looks like a turtle.
I find I can focus on work easier when there’s more pressure to get it done. When I’m under the stress of a deadline it gets me motivated and gets me thinking, I can churn out more ideas at a higher rate. I’m not necessarily sure about the quality of the ideas I churn out… in some cases the quality probably decreases, but the level of stress helps to motivate and focus me.