I’ve been researching this subject for a while and the subject seems quite debated. This experiment: http://media.www.thelantern.com/media/storage/paper333/news/2004/11/10/Campus/Stress.Stifles.Creativity.Study.Shows-799647.shtml , claims that creativity is restriced when people are in a stressful environment, however the statement is based on one experiment in which three students are subjected to few tests whilst in an exam period so I’ve decided this concludes absolutely nothing. My research led me to various other evaluations that seemed to provide better proof as to why stress can actually help to push peoples’ creativity to another level.
I think that stress and conflict can help to promote an individual’s creative process because they can show that boundaries are being reached and felt which lets you reflect on the creative work you’re trying to produce. Stress can also help to focus your attention which could speed up and deepen your creative output so in a way stress can be something which helps you channel your abilities so you can make the most of them.
I find I can focus on work easier when there’s more pressure to get it done. When I’m under the stress of a deadline it gets me motivated and gets me thinking, I can churn out more ideas at a higher rate. I’m not necessarily sure about the quality of the ideas I churn out… in some cases the quality probably decreases, but the l
evel of stress helps to motivate and focus me.
I’m looking forward to the group task this year since the schedule will be tighter due to being in a group and I expect we’ll set group deadlines and key points to achieve which will help me to be motivated and to focus a bit more. I found it difficult this term due to the amount of time spent on each project and I really feel I should have set some personal deadlines to help me achieve my work better so for next term, that’s the plan.
At the moment though, I’m so stressed that I know I’m not putting out my most creative work so it’s something to learn from, I’m gonna really try to stick to a schedule for this next project.
Game art itself I think is inherently a very stressful career. You’re constantly under pressure deadlines and time constraints and you’re constantly being knocked back and having to redo work due to decisions by people above you, so maybe that’s part of the process and it’s why people can produce some of the great looking games that are seen today. If they’re constantly used to pressure and having to churn out lots of work then they’re constantly mixing and discovering their most creative ideas which should ultimately lead to producing the best work. It’s worrying how stressful a career it can be though, I hope it all doesn’t kill me off before I’m 30. Since games are a good way to alleviate stress, if I make sure to keep a steady gaming diet I might just survive it all and live to tell a creatively stressfull tale.
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