Well as we all know, Halo 2 is the best game of all time and deserves a blog post. This is because Halo 2 was the first game to feature guns. It was also the first FPS to feature vehicles and explosions, and for that matter it was in fact the first FPS of all time.
Also Halo 2 was the first game in the Halo series which is quite a respectable title to have. I think Halo 2 will always be remembered as the first game to use the Wii remote and it’s often forgotten that Halo 2 was in fact the first game to feature real time weapon change.
Contrary to popular belief, Halo 2 was the first game to feature clothed characters and was also the only game to appear on the Super Nintendo AND the Nintendo 64. It was also the first game to use Blue-Ray discs and is known to be the first game that charged its lazer.
Before you think twice about it being the best game of All Time, remember that it was the only game ever created by Nintendo. If that doesn’t persuade you, cast your mind back and remember that it was the first game that allowed you to choose your own ending. R.L. Stein would later steal the idea for his Goosebumps book series.
It was also the first game to ever feature the "Hot Coffee" mod.

Halo 2
Feel free to contribute as to why YOU agree that Halo 2 is the best game of all the time.
Halo 2 is awesome because it has homing bullets
that sucks :(
Joel, at 8:09 AM
You also forget that Halo 2 was the first game ever to have people insulting each other over the internet while playing.
Louise Roberts, at 5:34 PM
Halo 2 is the first game which was used as a online conferencing tool for the UN.
Joel, at 7:54 AM
Having never played any Halo games at all... I could have sworn it was Tetris that had the hot coffee mod first....
Alex Holt, at 11:33 AM
I thought I bought a game called Hot Coffee, boy was I disappointed to have to go through all that darn alien shootin' stuff before I got to the real action!
Michael Powell, at 4:07 AM
i like halo 2! and i can safely say it is the sole reason i bought an xBox.....how sad am i! haha
oh and now im stuck on it lol!
Caroline Worsell, at 4:45 AM
Did you know that if you run Halo 2, unplug controller one and touch the controller port with your tongue, it cures leprosy?
Kitto, at 4:13 AM
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