Saturday, April 21, 2007

Personal Aspirations

I think before I go on about aspirations and goals and things of that nature, I wanna have a good ol’ reflection on the calming, serene world of game art design. *eye twitch*

I’ve really enjoyed the course so far, it’s been one of the best experiences of my life, but it’s been tough. I think this is mainly due to me being lazy and overestimating my ability to complete complex month long projects in ten to twelve minutes, but I’m working on it and trying to plan my time more effectively.

Art class has been really enjoyable and I do feel like my abilities have improved over the duration of the course. I’m still not anyway near enough to the standard I’d like to achieve and I’m finding a lot of the stuff we’re doing pretty tough but I’m going to stick with and set myself a few personal projects to be getting on with over the summer to improve my skills. I really need to know how to win against Photoshop…

The 3DS Max side of things has been a very tough but rewarding experience and I really feel that I’ve learnt absolutely loads of stuff. I’m definitely beginning to enjoy it now that I’ve learnt the basics and I don’t have to spend an hour recalling how to weld that vertex. In particular, it’s the mesh creation I have the most fun with. I still feel very inexperienced with the mapping and texturing side of things so again, summer practice is a good idea methinks. A little more technical knowledge and I think it should enable me to get a bit more creative and fun with the work I’m producing.

After this course, I hope to attain a job as games artist. I’m slightly worried as I doubt my ability to be able to pull this off, but with serious dedication I think I can make it. I’m happy to be going into a profession that draws together many of my life passions and it’s also very cool to be working alongside great people who understand the meaning of headshots and internet humour. By the end, I want to be able to create effective work proficiently both in art and 3D. I want to be personally satisfied with what I’ve achieved as that’ll allow me to take an objective stance when criticising my own work meaning I’ll be able to push for the best I can do. I also want a pony.


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